Non-statutory warning: This post being completely random(I might stop making sense in the middle of the post),might be really long and quite boring,feel free to close the browser tab now.. If you did not close the tab then, you might ask me why I want to post it.. I have my reasons.. Ok.. Yeah.. I don't want to sound so aloof, It is just that there are so many ramblings going on in there, top of my head, trust me, it is a small space and I need to get them out,just to free myself. And this is one place where I can do that happily without any concerns.. Sounding narcissistic am I? Well, it is true.. This is my place! :D
This post here is a product of three incidents that have happened recently(not necessarily personal, but ya,they got me thinking)
One,a conversation with my friend Shikha
The second, was me watching a fantabulously awesome movie, 'Anonymous'
The third, was the really ghastly incident that took place in the Maruti carplant at Manesar.
Let me start with the conversation and ease you into boredom..
Shikha asked me if she could find me on facebook and I said I was not on the social network and we got talking about the various features on profile there. Political and Religious ideologies, that is where we got struck and ended up having a discussion about how much we like Karl Marx.Later that night I was browsing and I realised that many of my friends fill that their Political ideology is 'Not interested in Politics' or 'Politics is crap <Excuse me for the language,I tend to do that a lot these days>'.
Then I remembered something Shikha told me that day. Politics is being seen with a very narrow perspective these days, the maladies the profession carries are being reflected on the people to take a radical stand of not having an ideological inclination at all, she being well versed with the political ideologies says that the fact that one carries a political ideology says that she/he has a vision for the country, they have a clear ideology which should drive the country to the place where they want to see it,Polity is not what we see in the elections today. It is not the policies and promises in the manifestos, it is a drive, it is a social institute that takes us ahead from where we are today. So, having an ideology is having a clear idea of what means are to be manifested to gratify their vision for how the country should get where you want it to be.. I told you this is going to be boring.. But I can not help but go on..Yeah, everyone wants to have a country where there are accessible, affordable and accountable medical facilities, literacy and education, awareness and employment, free and harmonic social relations with regulated amounts of freedom, the point of ideology is, 'How do we get there?'. I remembered back when I had a facebook account my ideology was filled in as 'Liberal'.. After a real short conversation with Shikha I realized I placed myself wrong. I went on Wikipedia to know what my ideology was,later on that..
Coming back to the discussion, I said I love Karl Marx, But I can never be a Marxist. She was taken aback, I actually felt more in peace with Durkheim's theory when it comes to social change, I might be sounding more like a conformist or chauvinistically old fashioned but, when Shikha asked me why, I got thinking and I realized that.. It is not my love for conventions that made me say this but my intention of opposition to Marxism got me here.Now don't get me wrong,here is my explanation.. Whenever I listen to the word or the name 'Marx', the next thing I listen in my head is 'Revolution' and then my visual appearances turn red.. That is pertaining to 'Bloodshed' and 'Violence'.. That is where the whole incident of the Maruti carplant got knit in.. how brutal was that, revolution.. yeah, radicalism is very inspiring, but they were the reason for the loss of a precious life.Not that I am a great patron of Gandhian ideology of Ahimsa, No!I am not,but just that I have a much much much greater value for Life than I could ever think of.. I never knew I valued life so much till I had that discussion with Shikha.. Later, I was watching 'Anonymous' movie that night, and fell in love with a dialogue::
Ben Jonson: Politics? My play has nothing to do with politics. I-i-i-it's just a simple comedy.
Earl of Oxford: It showed your betters as fools who'd go through life barely managing to get food from plate to mouth were it not for the cleverness of their servants. All art is political, Jonson, otherwise it would just be decoration. And all artists have something to say, otherwise they'd make shoes. And you are not a cobbler, who also 'writes', are you Jonson. (Now, that is not degrading or undermining because back then, there were no artisans involved in materialistic production, it was almost majorly mechanical)
Even the most intense art forms are sometimes the products of political ideologies. After all,French revolution had an ideological push from literature! That is when I had this urge to find my place in the political ideologies.. Not that I am forcing anyone to know their ideology, but this is the celebration of me knowing that everyone has an ideology innately.For all those who love the country.. Actually,that is what we owe to patriotism and nationalism.. It is only a matter of exploring it within oneself. Now, to my discovery (Ok, that is a tad too much,but cut me some slack.. If you had to read this! I typed it!)I realized that I believe in a Polity that has an inclination of Libertarian Socialism with an emphasis on Participism. And as a person, I am close to being a Persistently Optimistic Egalitarian,not that it is of any importance, it is just the joy of knowing and realisation, you know! ;)
Shikha expressed similar views on a sensitive topic of religious views, of religion being a way of life and nothing more than that.. I did not have any comments on that, as I am an Agnostic Theist.. And I am quite clear on why I am so.. May be I got a little confused as a child and that sustained to stay and grow within me!
If you survived through the post, it is great! If you did not,you must be fun, least interested in this and first of all.. you would not be reading this.. So now that I am freed of all the ramblings,realizing that the scariest moment is always just before you start .. Now that I am past it, I can sleep in peace! Phew!! It is oddly unsettling and somehow serene.. Adios! So it turns out, This is as random as it could get!
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